Siri Karlsson – A video shoot

Wonderful things sometimes fall in your lap and just were meant to be. Such a moment was when I was asked if I wanted to document a video shoot for an "experimental, independent folk duo" called Siri Karlsson. Behind this magical duo are two talented musicians named Maria Arnqvist and Cecilia Österholm. I had a blast with them in the dark woods of Småland. Little did I know that one of my pictures would end up on the cover of their next acclaimed LP. See the full video for "Långt där ute" here

Directed by: David Giese                   Photo: Iga Mikler
Scenography: Hanna Rönnbäck      Costume: Majli af Ekenstam
Coreography: Ingela Jansson           Lighting: Maciej Giemza

Design: Lee Worton

Design: Lee Worton

"Siri Karlsson is a duo that always gone their own way and broke with established standards. With one foot rooted in mystical folklore and the other constantly in search for new influences, they manage to create a highly personal expression. With vocals, alto saxophone, piano and key harps they create an unorthodox hybrid of folk, psychedelia and progressive."